Monday, May 28, 2007

张宇昕Erin Tew E Xhin

馨 vs. 昕

Which will you choose to be your name, Erin?

A-ma made such a complaint that if I chose the first one which is my initial choice, she said you will suffer from writing such a complicated word for your whole life. A-ma got her point and daddy quickly look up for another one when I am about to register your name tomorrow.

I found this and am really pleased with it - 昕

馨 basically used to describe good smell, perfume

昕 means the time where dawn has come, crack of dawn, the first sun-light and I like it immediately

So you are going to be named Erin Tew E Xhin 张宇昕. "The First Light of universe"

Look at your kuo kuo so happily welcome you, let me introduce you with their unique names too.

Kuo Kuo - Adam Tew Zhern E 张震宇 “ The Raor of universe"
Kuo Kuo 2 - Eden Tew E Xhuen - 张宇炫 " The Brightness of universe"

Notice you all have this common 宇 which means universe, comos.

I think I am pleased with all your name, May the Lord help you all live up to your names and daddy and mummy will play their parts too.

1 comment:

Sigrun said...

Don't the kids look so RIGHT together.
You're blessed, Papa & Mama Tew!!